Image to AI Converter

Convert your images to the AI format with this free online converter.

AI file format

An AI file has the full name of Adobe Illustrator Artwork file and it is a vector image file. AI files are created by a program called Adobe Illustrator and, instead of crafting the image using bitmap data like other traditional image files, an AI file is made up of paths connected by different points; hence why it’s called a vector image file. This means that the image’s details are retained when zoomed in. It’s because of this that AI files are often used when constructing logos or if something highly detailed needs to be printed.

AI converter - online and free

At, we understand the difficulty of converting Adobe Illustrator Artwork File (.ai) to other file formats. That's why we have created a secure online platform to make this process easier and faster. Our website is designed to convert your .ai files into popular image file formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, and TIFF and many other file formats with just a few clicks.

How to convert to AI?

  1. Click the «Browse Files» button to select your files.
  2. Convert to AI by clicking the «Convert» button.
  3. Once the conversion finishes, click the «Download» button to save the file.
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